Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello in Extra Virgin Kissing Session
Shawn & Camila We. Can't. Stop. Kissing!!! Major Amore at NYC Cafe

The only thing on the menu when Camila Cabello does dinner with Shawn Mendes is ... Shawn Mendes -- and she enjoyed seconds, thirds and fourths on a NYC sidewalk.
The pop couple took the most visible table possible at Extra Virgin Sunday night in the West Village, and proceeded to make out almost non-stop through their meal. Honestly, there are plates and glasses on the table, but doesn't seem like Shawn or Camila touched 'em -- too busy kissing.
On the lips, on the cheek, on the neck ... they couldn't get enough of each other. It's almost like they're reliving their high school years -- y'know from like 5 years ago.
A lot of people blew them off initially as a publicity stunt -- they started dating back in June, right around the time they dropped their hit song, "Senorita."
We'll say this ... IF it started as just good PR, it's looking like more than an act at this point.
For what it's worth -- "Senorita" is #2 on the charts.