President Trump and Other Leaders Are 'Thugs' says Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra World's Going to Crap ... And It's Not Only Trump to Blame!!!

President Trump's haters might not wanna hear this, but he's not special -- he's just ONE member of a group of "thugs" and "gangsters" destroying the world ... according to Deepak Chopra.
The alternative medicine guru, who's normally all about peace and love, was pretty fired up about the state of our nation when we saw him Thursday at LAX. We asked him what Americans can do to heal after last weekend's mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton.
He isn't wasting time getting philosophical -- instead he's unloading on Trump and several other world leaders. Just watch ... this ain't your father's Deepak. THIS guy is fed up.
Now it wasn't all doom and gloom. Deepak did offer some advice on how we can turn things around -- aaand then threw in one more jab about how the Prez came to power in the first place.