Charles Barkley Conflicted On Reparations, 'I Don't Know How You'd Do It'
Charles Barkley Conflicted On Reparations ... 'Very Difficult Subject'

Charles Barkley -- who's become extremely political over the years -- says the issue of reparations for slavery is a "serious subject" ... but admits he doesn't see a real clear way to make it happen.
The issue of reparations for the descendants for people enslaved in America has heated up recently -- just last week, there was a heated hearing about reparations at the House of Representatives.
The current debate is over a bill -- H.R. 40 -- which calls for a commission to be created with the mission of studying and coming up with proposals to compensate the descendants of slaves.
There are passionate people on both sides of the argument ... with author/journalist/activist Ta-Nehisi Coates clashing with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell during last week's hearing.
McConnell argued that slavery "happened 150 years ago for whom none of us currently living are responsible."
Coates fired back ... saying the U.S. paid out pensions to the families of Civil War soldiers "well into this century." He also noted the govt. still honors treaties made by people who are long dead.
So, where does Barkley stand on the issue? He's conflicted.
"It's a very difficult subject," Charles said ... "I don't know how you would do it, that's the problem."
"I don't think there's a right or wrong answer ... 'cause I don't know how you would do that actually. I don't know who would get it and who would not get it."
Barkley also says an apology from the government would be nice ... but that's a separate issue from reparations.