Daniel Cormier Says Looks Don't Matter, Fat Guys Can Fight!
Daniel Cormier Looks Don't Matter FAT GUYS CAN FIGHT!!!

UFC legend Daniel Cormier says he's tired of people thinking combat sports is a beauty contest, saying both him and Andy Ruiz Jr. prove the fact that FAT GUYS CAN FIGHT!!!
Ruiz set the Keto diet back 10 years when he knocked out Anthony Joshua a couple weeks ago ... making blubbery brawlers all over the world believe in the power of the ponch.
We talked to Cormier and he told our guy it's about damn time, saying fighting is less about looks and more about ability.
"All that physical sh*t don't mean nothing. Go be a bodybuilder if you think that your physique is what's gonna determine a fight."
As far as Ruiz, Cormier says anyone paying attention could see Andy was more than capable of beating Joshua, but they all got fooled by the fat.
"That dude's an athlete. Look at his Instagram, look at his work ethic. His feet are very quick, his hands are very quick, and he's got a killer's mentality."
D.C. left all you dieting jerks with one last message ... and he delivered it with passion.
"If you wanna look at physiques all the time, then go get some modeling magazines ... that's where you belong."