Dr. Paul Nassif Would Fix Artie Lange's Nose on 'Botched' If He Stays Clean
Dr. Paul Nassif To Artie Lange Clean Yourself Up ... I'll Fix Your Nose on 'Botched'

Dr. Paul Nassif wants to hook Artie Lange up with a nose job on his reality TV show ... if the comedian can kick his drug habit.
We talked to the "Botched" star about Artie's seriously deformed honker ... and the Bev Hills plastic surgeon tells us he's happy to offer his services to Artie -- but he's gotta stay clean.
Artie was arrested this past week in New Jersey for violating his drug probation, and his sad mug shot shows just how much damage's been done to his nose. The former Howard Stern sidekick recently tested positive for cocaine and morphine.
Nassif tells us Artie's got saddle nose, a deformity caused by trauma to the septum. The doc says the condition is common with drug abusers, and cocaine is the main culprit.
While he wants to get Artie on "Botched" so he can go under the knife ... Nassif says Artie's gotta stop putting drugs up his nose for good, because if he doesn't ... his nose will collapse again and it will look even worse.
Check out the clip ... Nassif makes his pitch to get Artie some help.