Arnold Schwarzenegger Not Pressing Charges Against Drop-Kick Attacker
Arnold Schwarzenegger Not Pressing Charges Against Drop-Kick Attacker

5/19 -- Arnold just tweeted a major update, saying he isn't planning on pursuing charges against the guy who drop-kicked him in South Africa. He wrote, "Update: A lot of you have asked, but I’m not pressing charges. I hope this was a wake-up call, and he gets his life on the right track."
Arnold continued, "But I’m moving on and I’d rather focus on the thousands of great athletes I met at @ArnoldSports Africa."
All things considered, this fella's lucky Arnold's a class act. No harm, no foul.
11:33 AM PT -- Event organizers dubbed Arnold Schwarzenegger's attacker as a "crazed fan" who can be heard screaming, "Help me, I need a Lamborghini," as he was being detained. Check it out ... he literally yells it out three different times while being dragged away.

As of now, Schwarzenegger has no plans of pressing charges and the organizers say that he views this as an unfortunate incident by a mischievous fan.
Arnold Schwarzenegger got roped into a real-life action scene down in South Africa, where he was drop-kicked from behind in a truly bizarre attack.
The Hollywood icon was in Sandton Saturday for a sporting event that bares his name -- the Arnold Classic Africa, which hosts kids in a ton of judged sporting events. Arnold himself was minding his business, taking photos and chatting with fans ... when he got blindsided.
An unidentified man ran up to Arnold's back and leaped into a drop-kick maneuver, making contact with the actor and propelling him forward. The dude was immediately swarmed by security and detained. Reports say he was removed from the facility.
As for Arnold, he says he's doing alright ... telling fans there was "nothing to worry about" and that he didn't even realize he was kicked until he saw the video afterward. He quipped that he was glad the idiot hadn't interrupt his Snapchat video.
Considering 'The Terminator' ended up staying on his feet, it's clear the drop-kick wasn't successful.
No official word on what's gonna happen to the kicker -- one report says Arnold isn't looking to press charges, but it might very well be out of his hands. Rule of thumb for everyone out there ... DON'T ATTACK ARNOLD!!! A no-brainer, really.
Originally published -- 5/18 @ 10:24 AM PT