Criss Angel Floored by Make-A-Wish Honoring Son in Cancer Remission
Criss Angel Touched By Make-A-Wish Honoring My Son Who Battled Leukemia

Criss Angel's mind was blown when he heard Make-A-Wish wanted to grant his son his ultimate fantasy after wrapping up cancer treatment.
Criss tells us ... the Foundation granted his 4-year-old son, Johnny Crisstopher, a big wish after battling leukemia over the last 3 years.
Criss says Johnny's now in remission. Awesome news!!!

You see ... the famous illusionist has been granting Make-A-Wish requests for years -- 50 requests and counting, not to mention the boatload of money he's raised for the Foundation. He received the Magical Wish Maker of the Year Award back in 2010.
Fast forward to now ... Make-A-Wish helped arrange for little Johnny to meet Ryan from Ryan ToysReview -- the 7-year-old boy who has amassed 27 BILLION views on YouTube reviewing toys.
The Foundation flew Ryan and his family out to Vegas where the magician was throwing a huge party to celebrate his kid ending cancer treatment. Looks like the kids had a blast in the superhero-themed bash where Johnny looked pretty star-struck meeting Ryan.
Criss -- who has a new show "MINDFREAK" at Planet Hollywood in Vegas -- says he's now planning an event with help from Gary Oldman, Imagine Dragons and other celebs to raise $5M from one of his shows ... with proceeds benefiting the fight against pediatric cancer.