Charles Barkley Says Steph Curry Ain't A Top Four Player In NBA
Charles Barkley Curry Ain't A Top Four Player In NBA

Charles Barkley says Steph Curry is NOT the best player in the NBA ... and, in fact, he tells TMZ Sports the Warriors superstar ain't even IN THE TOP FOUR!!!!
We got The Round Mound of Rebound leaving Matsuhisa this week when he revealed the man some say is the greatest shooter in league history ain't among the NBA's elite right now.
"I love Steph, but he's not with those guys," Barkley says.
Sooo ... who the hell is above Curry??
Like Santa, Charles has a list ...
"Well, I think LeBron is the best player in the league. I think Kawhi, Kevin [Durant] and Giannis are all right there together."
Interesting ... considering Steph's a two-time MVP, a three-time NBA champ, a five-time All-Star AND he holds the record for most 3s made in a season.
But, we ain't gonna argue ... have you seen how nasty his spats with Shaq get?!?!?