'Cat Daddy' Rapper Arrested on Outstanding Warrant Just as He Was Hooking Up
'Cat Daddy' Rapper Please Don't Bust Me ... That Chick's Gonna Have Sex with Me!!!

One of the guys behind the "Cat Daddy" dance craze got busted in L.A. -- but, the ONLY thing on his mind at the time of his arrest was getting some action from a chick he'd just met ... at 2 AM.
TMZ obtained this video of Jovan "Pee Wee" Clayton -- formerly a member of The Rej3ctz -- getting arrested early Thursday morning by bounty hunters. They told him they were hauling him in for an outstanding domestic battery warrant, but you gotta see the vid.
Pee Wee couldn't care less about the charge, he was laser-focused on Lima, the woman he met on Instagram but had finally just met in person ... right before the bounty hunters took him down.
When they told him they found 3 boxes of condoms in her truck, he fired back ... "I know!!! I was about to f**k the s**t outta her!" His tone changed drastically when they told him she also had a particular sex toy. Just watch.
Bad news for Pee Wee -- law enforcement sources tell us his dream girl, Lima, was actually the confidential informant who dropped the dime on him.
LAPD booked him for felony domestic abuse, and his bail was set at $100k.
On a positive note -- Pee Wee's cellmates can all bone up on their "Cat Daddy."