Taylor Swift Gets Political, Supports Dems in Tennessee Midterm Elections
Taylor Swift Listen Up Tennessee ... I'm Voting Democrat on Nov. 6
Taylor Swift just made her current political views explicitly clear for what may be the first time ever in her career -- and it might piss off a lot of conservatives in Tennessee.
Tay posted a lengthy statement on Instagram Sunday that weighed in on the midterm elections taking place across the country next month. She addressed the congressional race in her home state of Tennessee -- where she moved when she was 14 and where she'll be voting herself -- for which she declared she'd be voting for two Democrats running for U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives.
In her post, Taylor says she's been reluctant to voice her politics publicly in the past -- but felt compelled to do so now due to recent events in her life and around the world. She says she has always cast votes for people who protect human rights, support the LGBT community, fight against discrimination of any sort as well as the systematic racism at play in the country.
As such, she says she cannot in her right conscience vote for U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn, a Republican who's running for a Senate seat against former TN Gov. Phil Bredesen -- a Democrat. Blackburn's been seen at Trump rallies in support of the President.
Taylor says Blackburn has taken positions that are antithetical to everything she personally stands for, adding ... "These are not MY Tennessee values." She goes on to say she'll be voting for Jim Cooper for the House of Representatives -- another Democrat.
It's an interesting stance considering Taylor's country music background -- and it'll be even more interesting to see if she has any influence on turnout come Nov. 6.