Omarosa Says Brett Kavanaugh Testimony Showed Dark Side, Distraction Good for Trump
Omarosa Kavanaugh Showed His Dark Side ... Good Distraction for Trump Though

Omarosa believes all the crying and shouting Brett Kavanaugh did during this week's Senate hearing proves he's got 2 sides, but as long as everyone's focused on him ... it's a win for the Prez.
We got Omarosa at the Reagan National Airport in D.C. Saturday and asked about her tweet, which questioned how President Trump would react to his Supreme Court nominee crying during his testimony.
She says Kavanaugh's display showed an angry, aggressive side ... and even POTUS can't dispute that. Brett's fondness for drinking beer might be another strike against him with 45 too.
Then again, O says Kavanaugh's Supreme Court drama is exactly what Trump wants right now ... because it keeps everyone from focusing on the Russia investigation.
As we reported ... the Senate Judiciary Committee voted yes to recommend Kavanaugh be confirmed to the Supreme Court Friday, but there will also be an FBI investigation into the sexual assault allegations made against him by Dr. Christine Ford.
Senator Jeff Flake called for it right before the committee voted to recommend confirmation.