Jamal Lewis Says Pocket QBs Are Dying, Lamar Jackson Is NFL's Future!
Jamal Lewis Pocket QBs Are Dying ... Lamar Jackson Is NFL's Future!

Want a glimpse into what the NFL will look like in a few years??
Take a look at the Ravens when No. 8 is on the field ... 'cause Baltimore legend Jamal Lewis tells TMZ Sports Lamar Jackson IS THE FUTURE OF THE LEAGUE!!
"He's the future of offenses period," Jamal says.
"The stand-up, throwing quarterback I think is about to be a thing of old."
It's interesting ... considering the Ravens' current starter, Joe Flacco, is exactly that -- but the ex-Raven says it's only a matter of time before Joe's out and Lamar's in.
"You're going to have to have a more dynamic quarterback to be able to use his legs versus just standing up in the pocket," Lewis tells us.
Don't get it twisted ... Jamal loves Joe, saying he's a "great quarterback" -- but J-Lew clearly thinks it's inevitable.
BTW ... Jamal also says Joe will contribute to Lamar's future success -- comparing it to the way Priest Holmes helped turn him into a beast in 2000!!