Steven Tyler Tells Donald Trump Stop Using Aerosmith Songs Or Else
Steven Tyler Hey Trump, You're Really Livin' on the Edge ... Stop or Else!!!

Steven Tyler is done giving Donald Trump chances ... the Prez better stop using Aerosmith's songs at campaign rallies ... and that means now!
We got Steven and his GF Aimee Friday in Bev Hills, going into Optometrix, when our photog asked about his repeated demands that Trump stop using songs like "Livin' on the Edge" and "Dream On" at various campaign rallies.
Trump has ignored the demands, and clearly Steven has had it up to here. His lawyers fired off 2 cease and desist letters during the 2016 Presidential campaign as well.
Tyler's lawyers fired off a letter to Trump Wednesday, telling the Prez to cut the crap .. this after "Livin' on the Edge" was played Tuesday at a West Virginia rally.
Tyler tweeted ...