Kid Ink Dumping Clippers For Lakers? I'm Team LeBron!
Kid Ink Dumping Clippers For Lakers? ... I'm Team LeBron!

LeBron James has officially put Kid Ink's Clippers fandom on life support ... 'cause the L.A. rapper tells TMZ Sports he'd root for King James' Lakers in a playoff series with the Clippers!!
The 32-year-old has been all-in with the Clips since he was little ... telling us, "I ride for the underdog."
But, with LBJ in L.A. now ... Kid Ink's doing the unthinkable -- DUMPING HIS OLD TEAM!!
"I've always been riding for LeBron James since high school," he says.
Now ... Kid Ink's not fully ready to commit the L.A. treason ... telling us he atleast won't rock Lakers gear when he cheers on LeBron at Staples Center.
But, you gotta hear the dagger he inserts into Clip City's heart when we ask who he'd root for in a scenario where LeBron has the ball in closing time against the Clippers.
Sounds like a new main chick, indeed.