Pam Anderson Introduces French Soccer Star BF Adil Rami to Mom
Pam Anderson & BF Adil Rami S*** Just Got Real After He Meets Her Mom!!

Pamela Anderson's BF, Adil Rami, just won the World Cup with France ... so what's next on the agenda for the soccer star? MEET HER MOM!!
TMZ cameras were rolling when Pam and Adil pulled up to The Ivy Sunday in Bev Hills and witnessed the first official introduction between Adil and Pam's mom, Carol. Pam beamed with pride introducing Adil, who looked dapper even in a t-shirt.
As you know ... Pam moved to France to live with Adil, who plays for the Olympique de Marseille soccer team. Serious play by Pam ... but, after dating for a little over a year now, nothing screams "We hear wedding bells" like introducing your BF to mom ... who btw is down with Adil!!