Beyonce Rescued from Malfunctioning Stage in Poland
Beyonce Get Me Off This Thing!!! Rescued from Busted Stage
How many stagehands does it take to rescue Beyonce from a malfunctioning stage in Poland?
We're gonna guess ... ALL of them, if they wanna keep their jobs -- but, yes, Bey and Jay-Z's On the Run II crew had to help her make a safe exit Sunday night in Warsaw.
The couple's floating stage got jammed in the up position at the end of the show, making it impossible for Beyonce to pull off a quick and graceful exit. Instead, they brought out a ladder to help her get down what looks like a good 10-15 feet.
She didn't seem exactly convinced it was safe. Can't really blame her, especially because she was descending while rocking thigh-high boots!
Watch ... Bey was saved, the crowd cheered ... and everyone kept their jobs.