Kevin Durant Held Back from CLE Hecklers At Team Hotel
Kevin Durant Held Back from CLE Hecklers ... At Team Hotel

Kevin Durant did not like being told his alma mater is "butt" -- and it almost led to a confrontation outside the Warriors team hotel Wednesday night.
KD -- fresh from hitting that dagger that gave Golden State a 3-0 series lead over Cleveland -- was returning to the Ritz-Carlton ... where Cavs fans were heckling him on the way in.
They shouted stuff like "you suck" and "where LeBron at?" -- but the one that got him to turn around ... "KD, UT's butt!"
Obviously, Durant went to the University of Texas ... and he stopped in his tracks to stare the heckler down.
In fact, a team official started to hold KD back.
Don't worry, he walked back into the hotel without incident.
For the record, UT basketball was "butt" last year -- finishing 9th in the BIG 12.
But, in all seriousness ... Props to KD for not killing this guy.