Shannon Sharpe Breaks Out Goat Head, Biceps for LeBron James
Shannon Sharpe Breaks Out Goat Head, Biceps ... For LeBron James

Shannon Sharpe wanted to rub Skip Bayless' nose in LeBron James' greatness Monday morning -- so, he put on the goat head, ditched his sleeves ... and even busted out a Black & Mild!
... and it was HILARIOUS (and weird).
Sharpe LOVES Bron -- Skip's a lifelong doubter -- so ... after James brought the Cavs back to life with a dominating 30-point win on Saturday, the ex-NFL star was hyped about it on FS1's 'Undisputed.'
By the way, 49-year-old Shannon is insanely jacked -- dude looks like he could still play a couple of downs!