Colin Kaepernick Says Mom Crushed Racist Haters at Little League Games
Colin Kaepernick My Mom Crushed Racist Haters ... at Little League Games

Colin Kaepernick says he was subjected to racism as a kid -- but his mother Mama Bear'd the hell out of anyone who dared talk smack about her kid ... even at Little League baseball games!
Kaep honored his mother for a VH1 special called "Dear Mama: A Love Letter to Moms" -- and if you know Colin's story, you'd know he was adopted by a white couple, Teresa and Rick Kaepernick.
Colin says he always knew he looked different than the rest of his family -- but he knew they loved him as deeply as any parent would love their child.
However, Colin says the "privilege" of his parents (being white) could not protect him from real-life racist situations ... but when his mother sensed something was wrong, she would ferociously protect him.
"When adults were unaware of who my mother was at little league baseball games," Colin said ... "it was her that gave a tongue lashing to the parents in the stands speaking ill about the black child striking out all of their sons."
Teresa also speaks in the VH1 special -- praising her son for being brave enough to always stand up to injustice ... "even though it may mean sacrificing your dream."