Tim McGraw Collapses Onstage, Faith Hill Says It's Dehydration
Tim McGraw Onstage Collapse Faith Says He's 'Super Dehydrated'

Tim McGraw collapsed onstage during a show in Ireland with his wife, Faith Hill, and she broke the news to their fans ... the show would not go on.
Faith Hill apologizing for Tim McGraw collapsing at @C2CDublin.#c2c #C2CDublin #timmcgraw #faithhill #countrymusic @TheTimMcGraw @FaithHill @3arenadublin pic.twitter.com/Vfercu9XC9
The couple's Soul2Soul Tour was in Dublin Sunday night, and right after he performed "Humble & Kind" ... Tim reportedly dropped to his knees, then sat down. He left the stage, and Faith came out to say, "He's been super dehydrated. I apologize, but I made the decision that he cannot come back out onstage."
Tim was in the middle of a pretty grueling part of the tour that included 3 cities in 3 days.
He'll have some time to recover -- he and Faith aren't scheduled to perform again until May 31 in Virginia.