Arianny Celeste Says Floyd's Got a Shot Against Conor in UFC, And He's Hotter, Too!
Arianny Celeste Floyd Could Take Conor ... He's Hotter, Too!
Arianny Celeste LOVES Floyd Mayweather -- and not just for his ass-kickin' abilities!
We got the UFC's baddest Octagon girl up in the Bev Hills, and hit her with some questions on the UFC rematch that's got everyone talking -- Floyd vs. Conor 2.
Going off her answers ... it's safe to say Arianny's on The Money Team!!
-- Would you wanna see Floyd in the UFC? "I'd love to see that happen."
-- Could Floyd beat Conor? "I'd give him a chance, yeah."
-- And the big one ... Who's hotter? "I'd have to go with Floyd ... Floyd's swag is on another level."
Celeste even let it slip that she'd be rooting for TBE -- even though he's the outsider.
If this won't motivate Floyd to step inside the Octagon ... we don't know what will.