Chuck Zito Issues Not-So-Subtle Threat to President Trump Haters
Chuck Zito Sick of H'wood Witch Hunt And Just Try Me, Trump Haters!!!

Chuck Zito's letting his shirt do the talking when it comes to pledging allegiance to President Trump ... but he's also got a mouth on him and probably a fist, too.
The former "Oz" star, and real life badass, was in Bev Hills Thursday when we asked about Trump's sexual misconduct accusers -- his shirt led us down the path -- and Chuck went off.
First, he called the wave of allegations in Hollywood a "witch hunt" that was hurting his close friends. When he addressed Trump's accusers, his response was pretty much ... see my shirt.
But a bit more menacing. Basically, Chuck's begging haters to make a move.
BTW, his shirt's missing an apostrophe, but we're not about to tell him.