David Spade Pays Tribute to Chris Farley, Who Died 20 Years Ago Today
David Spade 'I Miss Chris Farley' 20-Year Anniversary of Death
It was 20 years ago today the world lost Chris Farley ... and his BFF, David Spade, says he still misses the comedy legend like crazy.
Farley died on Dec. 18, 1997 after an accidental drug overdose at his apartment in Chicago. His career was on fire following a legendary 5-year run on "Saturday Night Live."
In 1995, he starred alongside Spade in "Tommy Boy" -- which wasn't just a hit in theaters ... it's become a cult classic that's still quoted all the time (#FatGuyInALittleCoat anyone?!).
"20 years ago today," Spade posted on Instagram ... "I miss."