Charles Barkley Appearing at Roy Moore Opponent's Rally
Charles Barkley Rallying for Roy Moore Opponent ... To Fight 'White Separatism'
Charles Barkley is stepping up for Roy Moore's opponent for the open U.S. Senate seat -- this after blasting Moore for his close ties to Steve Bannon.
Barkley is appearing with Democratic Senate candidate Doug Jones Monday evening in Birmingham ... the eve of the election. The NBA Hall of Famer, and Alabama native, will be at a Jones rally -- along with "Orange Is the New Black" star Uzo Aduba.
Charles made his feelings about Moore clear last month when he got heated about the support he gets from Bannon -- an alleged white separatist, in Barkley's opinion.
The Bannon factor alone is enough reason to NOT vote for Moore, never mind the allegations of sexual misconduct with minors ... according to CB.
It's interesting ... Barkley won't vote in Tuesday's special election -- he no longer lives in Alabama -- yet he's taking time to appear with Moore's opponent. He's admitted not knowing a lot about Jones, but clearly thinks he's gotta be better than Moore.