Post Malone's 'Stay Away' Face Tattoo Pissed Off Mom
Post Malone Sorry Mom, But I Love My Tattoo!!!

Post Malone better start warming up his chops to spit Eminem's line, "I'm sorry Momma! I never meant to hurt you!" ... cause she's PISSED.
We got Malone outside The Moxy Hotel in NYC Wednesday and asked him about his new face tattoo that reads, "Stay Away." It's probably what Mom's saying right now cause Post tells us Mom is NOT a fan.
Check it out ... it's in the same location where his friend and the late rapper Lil Peep had his "Crybaby" tat, and it seems like another homage. But to that, he pleads ignorance.
No word on Mom's feelings about Malone's other Peep ink.