Kim Kardashian Has Celebration Dinner with Buyer of Her Bel Air Mansion
Kim Kardashian I'm Here to Celebrate With the Woman Who Paid Me $17.8 Million!!!

Kim Kardashian had a celebration dinner Friday night, with the woman who plunked down $17.8 million to buy Kim's Bel Air home.
Kim was stoic as she showed up at Craig's restaurant in WeHo ... the only question that elicited anything involved her perfume, which by the way lined her pockets this week to the tune of $14 mil.

The woman who bought Kim and Kanye's house -- Marina Acton -- showed up to toast the sale. The Ukranian gazillionaire/aspiring singer told us she didn't buy the house because of its celebrity owners, but she's gonna build a music studio and finds it inspiring.

The big winners are Altman brothers Matt and Josh, who represented both sides of the sale. They showed up as well. We're guessing they paid.