The Weinstein Co. Staff Speaks Out On Former 'Serial Sexual Predator' Boss
The Weinstein Co. Staffers Speak Out ... 'We Did Not Know We Were Working for a Serial Sexual Predator'
Staffers at The Harvey Weinstein Co. claim they had no clue their boss was a "serial sexual predator" ... and want to be cleared from any contracts forcing them to keep quiet about what happened in their workplace.
In a statement to The New Yorker on Thursday, a group of staffers went in on the former TWC honcho, saying, "He created a toxic ecosystem where his abuse could flourish unchecked for decades."
The staffers also claim they never knowingly acted as so-called "honeypots" -- or assistants -- in Harvey Weinstein's abuse.
They end the letter in asking TWC to release them from any agreements that bar them from speaking out freely about the workplace so they can, "speak openly and get to the origins of what happened here and how."