Larry King, 'Why Would I Wish Harvey Weinstein Harm?'
Larry King 'Why Would I Wish Weinstein Harm?'

Larry King knows Harvey Weinstein well and is sad over revelations of sexual harassment and sexual assault, but he thinks it's crazy for people to wish Weinstein ill.
We got Larry and wife Shawn Friday night in WeHo leaving Craig's, and it was apparent the talk show King was reeling from the news ... which brings us to Shawn.
Watch and listen closely to the video ... she says of the sexual harassment stories, "It was very well known," and then she catches herself and says she didn't know. How would she know it was very well known if she was in the dark?

This underscores the craziness of the party line ... that no one knew this was happening. One of the few people willing to say people in Hollywood knew for years was Angie Everhardt, who went on TMZ Live Friday and said Weinstein masturbated in front of her on a boat, and she told EVERYBODY.