Scott Disick Slaps Ass in Vegas While Kourtney Kardashian Cuddles at Cannes
Scott Disick Smackin' Ass in Vegas ... Meanwhile Kourtney Cannes Cuddles

Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian are worlds apart both in proximity and relationship status ... he's slapping ass in Vegas, and she's cuddling her boo at Cannes.
Scott hit up a party bus Saturday night after celebrating his 34th birthday at 1 Oak earlier, and believe it or not ... there was a stripper aboard -- or at least someone acting like one.
The Lord gets in a few good smacks on the chick's ass -- and, boy, are they loud. The music can't even drown 'em out.
All the while about 6,000 miles away ... Kourtney was cozying up to her new man, Younes Bendjima, at the Cannes Film Festival in France. She flew out there a few days ago and joined him since he's from the area. As we reported ... she's officially done with Scott, and wants him to man up and move on.
Looks like he's moving all right.