Pacman Jones Car Crash Apology Rejected By Teenage JROTC Cadet
Pacman Jones Car Crash Apology Rejected ... By JROTC Cadet

6:27PM PT -- Jones' agent Peter Schaffer tells TMZ Sports Ruege is a liar who is changing his story for publicity.
When asked to elaborate Schaffer claims Ruege admitted fault at the scene of the accident and fessed up to texting while driving (Reuge denies he was on his phone).
Schaffer also says Ruege informed Jones there was no hard feelings but is now demonizing Jones in a shameless attempt to grab headlines.
The man on the other end of the Pacman Jones car crash is an 18-year-old high school student -- a JROTC cadet -- who says the NFL star tried to apologize after the crash ... but he won't accept it.
Pacman exploded on Kylar Ruege after an early morning collision in Ohio on Tuesday -- after Kylar's '92 Mustang collided with Pac's Rolls-Royce Ghost.
FYI, Kylar is an infantryman in the National Guard and hopes to pursue a military career after he graduates.
Kylar says Pacman called him every name in the book in the moments after the crash -- and was so angry, a witness stepped in to make sure things didn't turn physical. Kylar says he was scared for his own safety.
Kylar says his mother filed a complaint with the Bengals -- and Pacman eventually tried to apologize for his behavior. Pacman invited Kylar to come to Bengals training camp as his guest, but he declined.
And get this, we asked if Kylar had a message for Pacman -- "Lives are more important than cars."