Oprah Won't Say Obama's Name But Calls Vacay with 'Em Day at the Salon
Oprah I WON'T Say Their Names But My Vacay with Obamas Was ...

Oprah Winfrey loved gabbing with us about her super fab yacht vacay, but took a code of silence when it came to saying 2 names ... Barack and Michelle Obama.
We got O in D.C. Wednesday night, and asked her about her Tahiti trip with, not only the ex-POTUS and FLOTUS, but Tom Hanks and Bruce Springsteen. She gushed about the yacht itself, she's a frequent floater, and explained how they all ended up there together.
But watch what happens when she runs down the guest list. Interesting, especially because we've all seen pics of the Obamas on deck.
C'mon, O! Who are we gonna tell?