Aaron Carter Attacked Onstage After Alleged Racial Comment (VIDEO)
Aaron Carter Attacked Onstage After Alleged Racial Comment

Aaron Carter was attacked by a fellow musician Friday night who apparently felt the singer had made a racial slur against him, and the fight ended with a trip by Aaron to the ER.
Carter was performing at the Loony Bin in Bradley, Illinois. The opening act, ILL State, had just wrapped and a member of the band was goofing, grabbing people's cellphones and shooting video as Aaron tried to perform.
An eyewitness tells TMZ Aaron had security remove the guy, and as he was getting dragged out you hear Aaron say, "Bye Felipe," a take on "Bye Felicia." We're told the guy, who was Hispanic, was taken out of the bar but came back in and allegedly attacked Aaron, damaging his computer and a speaker in the process.
A fight erupted, a bloody Aaron went to the hospital, and cops are investigating.
They don't call it the Loony Bin for nothing.