Vivica A. Fox's 'Black Magic' Partner Bails After 'No Gays' Comment
Vivica A. Fox 'Black Magic' Partner Bails After 'No Gays' Comment
Vivica A. Fox pissed off the director and producer who made her male stripper reality show possible -- Jean-Claude LaMarre is cutting ties with her after she said gay men aren't welcome at the strip shows.
Jean-Claude put Vivica in his movie, "Chocolate City" ... which led to her spinning off 'Black Magic' into a TV show. You'll recall, she was promoting the show last week on "The Breakfast Club" when she strongly objected to the suggestion gays were coming out to see her strippers.
As she put it ... "Hell no!"
Now LaMarre tells TMZ ... "The comments were out of order, and it does not represent our attitudes toward the LGBT community. All are welcomed." He added, "Vivica speaks for herself not the business or the show."
LaMarre will remain an Executive Producer on the reality show, and made it clear he wants 'Black Magic' to succeed -- he just doesn't want to work with Vivica anymore.