Dan Bilzerian's Emojis Consist of Boobs, Blow and One Horny Goat
Dan Bilzerian's Emojis Boobs, Blow and One Horny Goat
Apologies to Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose, but Dan Bilzerian's about to blow up their playbook by unleashing a set of R-rated emojis no other celeb would dare to do. Well, maybe Charlie Sheen.
We don't know how he got these past quality control at Apple and Google, but his "Bilzerian's Blitzmoji" set are going live today. Check out the gallery of Dan's faves: chicks, bikinis, guns, drugs, money and Zeus ... his pet goat, not the God.
There's even one honoring that time Dan hurled a porn star off a roof.
Order up, bros ... while you can.