Telemundo Reporter Takes Punch to Head ... '¡Ay Dios Mio!'
Telemundo Reporter Takes Punch to Head '¡Ay Dios Mio!'
4:50 PM PT -- A station spokesperson tells TMZ Iris "is ok and is understandably taking some time off to recover."
A Telemundo reporter was viciously punched in the head Wednesday on live TV.
Iris Delgado was at the tail end of her live shot at Philadelphia City Hall when a woman sauntered up to her and said, "Excuse me, excuse me." It's unclear what set the woman off, but the punch is painful to watch. She was punched 3 times and pulled to the ground.
You hear the anchor say, "¡Ay Dios mio!" (Oh my God).
Law enforcement tells us Iris complained of pain to the right side of her head.
The attacker was arrested.