Jockey Victor Espinoza, Me and the Horse I Rode in On Have Lots of Sex!!!
Jockey Victor Espinoza Me and the Horse I Rode in On Have Lots of Sex!!!
Victor Espinoza and his prized horse American Pharoah have one thing in common -- their sex lives are larger than life.
Espinoza, who was at the Galt House Friday night for the Fillies & Lillies party in Louisville, says Pharoah sometimes breeds with 4 mares per day.
Victor's riding Whitmore Saturday, which has 30 - 1 odds of winning. Victor, of course, is a Triple-Crown-winning Jockey who won the derby in 2002, 2014, and 2015. He rode American Pharoah last year.
And Victor gives the thumbs up to horse sex tapes.