Tracy McGrady -- Fires Back at Robert Horry ... At Least I'll Be In the Hall of Fame! (VIDEO)
Tracy McGrady Fires Back at Robert Horry At Least I'll Be In the Hall of Fame!

You didn't think Tracy McGrady was just gonna let Robert Horry slide, did you??
The NBA legend fired back at Horry Tuesday night ... after Big Shot Bob clowned Tracy on ESPN's "The Jump" when he told T-Mac he couldn't borrow a championship ring because "you gotta earn it."
"Did he burn me?" McGrady told TMZ Sports ... "Listen man, it was a joke."
"I can understand how people take things but I'll say this ... anybody can be a champion, everybody can't be a Hall of Famer."
... and boom goes the dynamite.
BTW -- we also asked Tracy about Kobe's last game ... and asked him -- if you could only get tickets to one game, which would it be ... Kobe's finale or the Warriors going for 73??
Wait'll you hear what Tracy says!