Kylie Jenner Stops for Young Fans and Then Their Grandpa Brawls with Photogs!
Kylie Jenner Stops for Young Fans, But Grandpa Brawls with Photogs!
Kylie Jenner finally gave three young girls the selfies they'd been dying to get -- a totally sweet moment -- and then their grandfather got into a melee with photogs capturing that moment. So sweet.
Kylie was rushing out of The Nice Guy when the girls popped up and took their shot, and this time KJ obliged. But check out the video, 'cause the girls had their own protection this time.
After what went down at Craig's last week, it looks like grandpa -- the guy in overalls -- wasn't gonna let his little angels get shoved around. The brawl is insane, and gramps was the one who refused to cool down!
Maybe Kylie was right to just keep it moving.