Caron Butler's Son: Ballin' Like My Daddy ... Scores 41 In HS Game
Caron Butler's Son Ballin' Like My Daddy ... Scores 41 In HS Game

Looks like Caron Butler has his future retirement plan all set ... 'cause his son is straight KILLIN' it on the bball court ... dropping 41 in a recent game.
Butler's kid J.C. is just a 15-year-old sophomore at Racine Prairie HS in Wisconsin but already has interest from D-1 schools like Wisconsin, Marquette Memphis and North Dakota State.
Why all the hubbub? It's not just the 41 point explosion ... J.C. is averaging nearly 20 points a game and is already 6'4".
How does dad feel about the success? We talked to Caron, the answer is ... duh, super stoked.
"I'm extremely proud of him. I've been watching him from afar, but I just got back to Racine and got to watch him play. He's playing great basketball going into State. I see myself in him a lot. He's much better than I was at that age."
As far as the NBA? Butler says it's not a sure thing ... but he's willing to do whatever he can to make sure J.C. has the shot.
"He really feels like he has a shot playing at a higher level. I'm going to give him every outlet and resource possible."