Alfonso Ribeiro: Scott Disick's Not 'DWTS' Material ... He's NOT a Star!
Alfonso Ribeiro Scott Disick's Not 'DWTS' Material ... He's NOT a Star!

Alfonso Ribeiro did some serious fame shaming on Scott Disick ... saying being Kardashian-adjacent isn't enough to land a spot on "Dancing with the Stars."
Alfonso, who won 'DWTS' in 2014, went on a bizarre rant about Lord D outside Madeo Tuesday night -- first claiming he doesn't know or care about Disick, but then ripping his celeb status for a good minute.
He flat out says Scott is "not a star," and adds that Kardashians haven't done much to boost 'DWTS' ratings in the past. His point seems to be Disick isn't worth the half a million bucks he's demanding.
There's a lot more haterade, including a shot at Scott's lifestyle.
Check it out -- someone pissed in Carlton's Wheaties.