Flea – I’ve Got Bees … 200,000 of Them!!!
Flea I’ve Got Bees … 200,000 of Them!!!
There's a buzz around Flea ... a roaring, deafening buzz.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist put 3 beehives in his backyard last month ... each holding more than 60,000 bees.
The question, of course, why? Two reasons ... he really digs bees. But his passion for environmentalism has given him hives, because the honeybee population is dying off.
We’re told he’s only been doing it for a few months and has already mastered the craft, but it’s more of a hobby than anything else since RHCP aren't touring right now.
The reason that's important ... no bees means no bee pollination = a lot less food.
Hope he doesn't get Flea bitten.