Jeb Bush -- I Ain't Got Time for Baseball ... I'M RUNNIN' FOR PREZ! (Video)
Jeb Bush I Ain't Got Time for Baseball ... I'm Runnin' for Prez!

Gotta respect when a politician is honest ... like when Jeb Bush admitted to us he didn't know about the MLB hacking scandal yesterday because as he put it: "Man, I'm running for president. I've been busy!"
The former Gov. was leaving NBC in New York when we asked about the FBI investigation into the St. Louis Cardinals for allegedly hacking the Houston Astros to steal top secret information.
Bush has a serious MLB connection, considering his brother George W. was a co-owner of the Texas Rangers.
By the way, we also asked if he's still a fan of the Astros considering he grew up in Houston ... but he shot that down and said there's only ONE team he roots for nowadays.