Kyle Richards -- Not Giving Up On Kim ... I'm Going to My Niece's Wedding!
Kyle Richards Not Giving Up on Kim ... I'm Going To My Niece's Wedding!
The road to recovery takes time … so Kyle Richards is not ready to give up on elder sister Kim.
TMZ has learned that the ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ siblings have been taking steps to repair their relationship since their epic, finger-pointing fight on the season 5 reunion show.
Step 1: Kyle visited Kim when she was in rehab.
Step 2: Kyle RSVP'd “yes” to niece Brooke Brinson’s destination wedding next weekend, and for her part Kim backed down from her original position ... making Kyle persona non grata.
We’re told that Kyle wants desperately to preserve the family, and not going to her niece's wedding would be unthinkable.
Alcohol is on the menu, but they’re not worried about Kim relapsing because her drinking is only a problem when she's alone.
Two down ... ten steps to go ...