Guns N' Roses -- Holy Crap ... Sweet Child O' Mine Is a Rip-Off?!?
Guns N' Roses Holy Crap ... Sweet Child O' Mine Is a Rip-Off?!?
Prepare to have your mind blown ... the most iconic Guns N' Roses song -- "Sweet Child O' Mine" -- was totally jacked from an Australian soft rock band ... maybe.
An Australian website, Max TV, recently made the comparison, and there's no denying ... the similarity is eerie. Here's the deal ... a group called Australian Crawl recorded and released a hit song called, "Unpublished Critics" in 1981. 'Sweet Child' didn't come out until 1987.
For the record ... Axl Rose, Slash, and Izzy Stradlin have a very detailed story about how they created 'Sweet Child' -- and it doesn't include listening to Aussie top 40 radio.
Sweet Child o' Mine ...
Still, if you're a GnR fan -- this kinda stings. At least the Guns version is better.