Rosie O'Donnell -- My Wife Doesn't Need My Money -- She's Loaded and Even Has a Beemer
Rosie O'Donnell My Wife is Loaded She Even Has a Beemer

Rosie O'Donnell's wife does not need Rosie's money because she's got plenty of her own ... this from the mouth of Rosie herself.
As we reported Rosie's people say Michelle Rounds is a money grubber who is trying to invalidate the prenup and is making wild claims to make Rosie fold.
But we found this clip of Rosie on Howard Stern's show in October 2011, not too long after Rosie met Michelle, when she goes on and on about how successful Michelle is and how she has her own money.
Michelle is gunning for full custody, claiming Rosie is deep into alcohol and weed. Rosie says Michelle is a liar.