Jameis Winston -- SHOWERED IN CRAB LEGS ... If Drafted By Bucs
Jameis Winston SHOWERED IN CRAB LEGS ... If Drafted By Bucs
Jameis Winston will NEVER have to steal shellfish ever again ... 'cause a Tampa restaurant is promising to hook up Winston with more crabs than a Tijuana hooker -- as long as the Bucs draft him #1.
Here's the deal ... there's this place in Tampa called Skipper's Smokehouse that's FAMOUS for it's crab legs -- and the owner of the joint happens to be an FSU alum who graduated in '68.
The people at Skipper's told us they're well aware of Jameis' penchant for crab -- and want the QB to know, if he signs with the Bucs ... they're gonna "hook him up" with all the legs he can eat.
Of course, he'll be a multi-millionaire who can afford whatever he wants ... but hey, free stuff is how the rich stay rich.