Justin Bieber -- I Paid My Nemesis Neighbor $80K for Egging
Justin Bieber I Paid My Nemesis Neighbor $80K for Egging
Justin Bieber is $80K poorer -- and he's a lot calmer because he's paid his former neighbor the cost of undoing all the damage from the egging, and Biebs has taken steps to control his temper.
Bieber's attorney Shawn Holley said to a judge Monday Bieber has done what he's supposed to do to complete his probation.
In addition to the money, Bieber is required to take 12 anger management classes ... and he's completed 6. He's in the process of doing his 5 days of community labor.
It's interesting ... Bieber was at a bible studies class over the weekend, so maybe he really is mellowing out.
Bieber is on track to finish everything by Feb 10th. He'll still be on probation until 2016.
TMZ posted the video shot by the neighbor after the egging incident last January ... and Bieber's voice can clearly be heard. And surveillance video taken from Justin's home showed he was part of the egg attack.