Jameis Winston -- Teammates Call BS ... He's No Point-Shaver
Jameis Winston Teammates Call BS ... He's No Point-Shaver
Jameis Winston's teammates are rallying around the QB -- telling TMZ Sports there's NO WAY Winston was shaving points during the Louisville game ... saying, "He cares about winning too much."
We spoke to FSU football players who didn't want to be named who told us ... Jameis was playing as hard and as intense as he always does when he took the field on October 30th.
We're told the team has been buzzing about the report that Jameis allegedly point-shaved in the 1st half to help his friend win a bet ... but the overwhelming opinion in the locker room is that it's complete B.S.
As one source put it ... "They're just trying to hate on that man. Not one time would he EVER cheat."