Deadmau5 -- I Would Perform With Paris Hilton ... FOR A RIDICULOUS PRICE!
Deadmau5 I'll Perform With Paris Hilton ... For a Ridiculous Price!

Deadmau5 says he'd ACTUALLY perform a show with his DJ archnemesis Paris Hilton ... but his price tag makes us skeptical.
The EDM star was having dinner Saturday night at Mel's with a Make-A-Wish child he had been working with ... and his Paris Hilton beef quickly became the topic at hand.
As we previously reported ... the DJ recently blasted Hilton on his blog calling her a phony artist -- but Deadmau5 told our photog he'd be willing to bury the hatchet and DJ side-by-side with Hilton.
Before you start looking for tickets -- Deadmau5 laid out his asking price for the hypothetical duet with P ... and something tells us he's being less than genuine. Although stranger things have happened, we guess.
Watch and see what you think.