CBS Honcho Les Moonves -- Hey Rihanna, No Hard Feelings
CBS Honcho Les Moonves Hey Rihanna, No Hard Feelings
Les Moonves isn't fretting over the blow back he got by pulling the plug on a segment featuring Rihanna for the opening of Thursday night football ... because he scored where it counts.
The CBS Prez crowed over ratings for both Thursday and Sunday night football as he left Craig's restaurant in West Hollywood Tuesday.
As for Rihanna ... the most powerful man in Hollywood said she's the one who exercised power by telling the network to go f itself.
CBS pulled "Run This Town" -- the Jay Z song featuring Rihanna -- presumably because it would strike a raw nerve to see the woman who was beaten by Chris Brown in the wake of the Ray Rice video. Rihanna has never viewed herself as a "victim" and felt CBS unfairly resurrected the past.